Tumult at Toby Town 34

10 thoughts on “Tumult at Toby Town 34

  1. [Title typo]
    The page number is 32 instead of 34.

    1. it’s fixed now.

  2. Who wanna bet this results in an automaton uprising a la Itchy & Scratchy Land?

  3. The last panel is my favorite image of Rose in this chapter thus far

  4. @Kelephant
    I’m sure nothing could possiblye go wrong.

    1. Heh, that’s the first thing that’s ever gone wrong.

  5. go wrong, go wrong, go wrong……..

  6. go wrong, go wrong, go wrong, go wrong……

  7. Rose’s face speaks for us all.

  8. I hope Hood keeps that voicebox and accent from here on.

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