In this universe, I’ll say it’s actually a poorly-received musical number about overly-long words, Song of the Sesquipedalian.
o/~ Oh the song of the sesquipedalian
can’t be sung by just any stallion
nor can be inscribed on a medallion
it’s too long and you’ll have to corral yawns! o/~
5 thoughts on “Tumult at Toby Town 91”
that kill phrase….
I guess the missing word is one that means “austral direction”. Certainly a kill phrase for Dizzo’s real-world inspiration.
Yeah you shouldn’t use a kill phrase when it’s the only thing keeping you from hitting a concrete floor.
Also the glowing slime on the floor makes for some great mood lighting in the first panel.
In this universe, I’ll say it’s actually a poorly-received musical number about overly-long words, Song of the Sesquipedalian.
o/~ Oh the song of the sesquipedalian
can’t be sung by just any stallion
nor can be inscribed on a medallion
it’s too long and you’ll have to corral yawns! o/~