Bridget and the Lost City 5 (P)

5 thoughts on “Bridget and the Lost City 5 (P)

  1. I think a page got skipped again.

    1. I’ve had all the pages for this comic scheduled ahead of time but for some reason word press decided not to publish 4 and I didn’t catch it.

      The matter is fixed now.

  2. Its probably for the best that she has to wait a while for her turn.

    After all, theres no way of telling how a ruin that was potentially made to talk to her people will react to her presence. She might want to think about how she approaches such a thing.

    For all we know, it could be some elaborate trap to try to trick and sacrifice her people and might have boobytraps that will react to her presence.

  3. yeah, page 4 got skipped

  4. I bet Slosch drew his face on the counterfeit tickets.

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