Sinister Skullduggery 10

23 thoughts on “Sinister Skullduggery 10

  1. I, uh, did not expect that.

    1. neither was i

      1. i to am surprised. And unnerved

  2. masterreviewer1000

    And I thought Majora’s Mask had it worse.

  3. I’m not really sure fins will help.

  4. That’s exactly what I expected


  6. Maybe adding some sort of heat shield too?

  7. Perhaps, next time, don’t launch near the moon, unless this is what you wanted to happen.

    1. That is the exact image that popped into my mind when I saw their rocket.

  8. Welp, the “72 HOURS REMAIN” vibes are now in full effect!

  9. Swing and a miss.

  10. So … who wants to volunteer for the manned missions? Anyone?

  11. This world is not getting a space program

  12. Holy moon lasers batman!

  13. Looks like there is a legit reason to fear the moon afterall.

  14. Interesting outcome. It does seem to validate her hypothesis that the Moon is not, in fact, millions of miles away. Therefore it is much closer than it appears to be, and consequently much smaller.

    This also makes the prospect of a KerLag Space Program quite difficult, especially if the Sun is also hostile to anything trying to escape the planet’s gravity well. Is this indeed a prison planet?

  15. thedarkunknownmind

    Unexpected as that is, there is…”precedence”:

  16. Sure fins will help! They’ll stabilize the rocket so it’s easier for the moon to hit with its “Lazer Eyes”. 🙂

  17. All moons do that, right?

  18. that’s no moon!

    …sorry, yes, yes it is.

  19. So, no Eye Scream for the moon.

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