Tumult at Toby Town 44

12 thoughts on “Tumult at Toby Town 44

  1. Child labor, and for free?

  2. Missing word, probably meant to be “there’s no adult here [who] could possibly operate them”.

    1. thanks, it’s fixed now.

  3. Oh, she’s far too gleeful about using our heroes…

  4. Urban Space Cowboy

    “Get in the robot, Willji.”
    “But I don’t know–”
    “Get in the robot, Willji.”
    “But I can’t–”
    “Get in the robot, Willji.”
    “But I don’t want to–”
    “… okay.”

  5. Get in the Eva willa

  6. The Battle Bards
    The Attack Artists
    The Combat Choir
    The Dispute Divas
    The Embattled Entertainers
    The Insurgency Instrumentalists
    The Melee Minstrels
    The Ornery Orators
    The Pugilist Performers
    The Ruckus Rockers
    The Skirmish Serenaders
    The Tussle Troubadours
    The Violent Vocalists
    The War…blers

    1. That sounds like a hell of a Ballroom Blitz.
      I would go to see that lineup perform.

    2. It also sounds like someone reads Court of Roses.

  7. Victoria never says no to experimenting on kids/teens.

  8. I just love how Victoria goes from dismissive to exploitative in just two panels.

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