Tumult at Toby Town 4

Sorry, this one took a long time to come out. I spent my birthday this week half slacking off/half working on commissions. After that, it just seems like this page took a real long time to come together. My fault for making a story with so many characters and crowded backgrounds I guess.

I'm going to try to make things a little more rapid going forward but that's always easier said than done. I am most pleased that nobody sent me jerky messages about my pace of output like I've seen some webcomics get. Thank you all for your patience.

10 thoughts on “Tumult at Toby Town 4

  1. Willa got the right idea: just stay out of it.

  2. When was the last time Willa said so much all at once?!

    1. Every time Willa opens her mouth someone comments that it’s the most she’s ever said.

      1. Who is this Willa person? is she one of the many side characters distracting us from the comic’s lead, who is clearly Debbie… I mean Destiny Harkness? What do you mean, she’s not the main character? Is Princess Rosalina the main character? Jane? Ash? Svetlana!? It’s clearly not Xander, he’s too much of a doofus. Is it, um, Rose’s chatty, possibly evil twin, what’s-her-name? You know, the one that hangs out with Charlotte all the time? Is she possibly the main character!? Nahh.

  3. RIP Debbie and Ash, this was a valiant but foolish attempt.

  4. Birthdays are a get out of work card. (Or get out of jail card which is were Deb and Ash may be headed if they’re not carful). Hope you had a great day with your favorite foods and such. (Beer battered steak fajitas is mine)

  5. Im curious how a hand was able to handle all that lettering without the rest of the body noticing. XD

  6. Maybe the arm works while Cody is asleep.

  7. 4k moment

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