Picking a fight with a laser moon? Somebody forgot she’s no longer an unfathomably powerful lattice of spacetime distortions and dark energy.
Also, I was re-reading through Tourist, Castlemania and VIP and I keep getting these issues where some pages won’t load. Trying to open the image (eg: https://i0.wp.com/latchkeykingdom.com/comics/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Tourist-01.png?w=900&ssl=1) in a new tab I get a “We cannot complete this request, remote server returned an unexpected status code (400)”. It’s actually fairly consistent even if which pages are affected change over time.
Sometimes it clears if I remove the “&ssl=1”, sometimes I have to get rid of all parameters and sometimes that last one won’t work at all (I do get a “Sorry, the parameters you provided were not valid” instead though so that’s something). Might just be placebo.
Only thing I’m sure of is Usurper (first chapter) and this last chapter are both working fine.
Is this something that’s only on my end or is anyone else being affected by this?
5 thoughts on “Sinister Skullduggery 11”
Picking a fight with a laser moon? Somebody forgot she’s no longer an unfathomably powerful lattice of spacetime distortions and dark energy.
Also, I was re-reading through Tourist, Castlemania and VIP and I keep getting these issues where some pages won’t load. Trying to open the image (eg: https://i0.wp.com/latchkeykingdom.com/comics/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Tourist-01.png?w=900&ssl=1) in a new tab I get a “We cannot complete this request, remote server returned an unexpected status code (400)”. It’s actually fairly consistent even if which pages are affected change over time.
Sometimes it clears if I remove the “&ssl=1”, sometimes I have to get rid of all parameters and sometimes that last one won’t work at all (I do get a “Sorry, the parameters you provided were not valid” instead though so that’s something). Might just be placebo.
Only thing I’m sure of is Usurper (first chapter) and this last chapter are both working fine.
Is this something that’s only on my end or is anyone else being affected by this?
Ah crud, maybe it’s the “awaiting moderation” preview but the formatting looks all wrong. Could have sworn I hade spearated my message in paragraphs.
so was this her plan?
72 hours- wait, 48 ho- no, 24 hr? Nope nope nope, Moon is falling now, might wanna spam song of time ASAP.
Ash is running away at the speed of sound!