Tumult at Toby Town 57

10 thoughts on “Tumult at Toby Town 57

  1. Seems like there’s going to be some serious changes to the security protocols going forward.

    So, which one of them do you think will figure out that their “back way in” is a pirate raid?

  2. Wait a minute! Slave pit for artists? Their best friend that works here says her parents were band, effectively leaving her without them? The security being a bit thuggish?

    Is this actually a rescue mission, rather than an invasion?

    1. You might be on to something. If those pirates couldn’t handle that many artists at once, maybe the artists didn’t resist.

  3. I miss quiet Willa sometimes.

  4. Wait a minute… Toby Town, a moving island that navigates the 70 seas, seas known to be filled with pirates, has no pirate protocol?! How the hell were able to maintain the buisness for so long without it?

    1. There is a pirate protocol, but it mostly involves hurling things at pirates outside of the Toby Town walls.

  5. For all her scheming ways I don’t think Dr. La D’Ucar is all that smart

  6. Ash will have a field day with all the explosives everyone keeps giving her.

  7. Depending on how long they’ve been around, it’s possible no one’s been brazen enough to attack the island; or if they have, they did so openly and were dealt with by the security forces. Should they have a protocol to deal with this exact scenario? Absolutely, and they most certainly will want one after this event.

  8. Where are the artists? They’re the ones in the pirate costumes!
    This is a revolt against TT management.

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